Monday, July 23, 2007

How can my days go from so good.. to so bad..

Why should I help people who do not want to help themselves? This is the scenario:

I volunteered helping Student In Action to mentor a Pomona Youth Commission kid. The mission is to create a 5 minutes documentary about Non Violence. It was cool and I was really excited. Now, 3 weeks later I could not even contact my youth and my group member. I am just a mentor right?! So why should I bother? I wasted my time and my cellphone minutes to try calling him to work but he wouldn't. Why should I be the one needing to kick his arse? It is his project.

I just asked my supervisor to write me a recommendation letter for a scholarship with Boeing. I know I would not get it, but at least I tried. My CGPA is higher compared to average students here, but there are many other qualified students out there and why should they pick me?

Have you ever feel this before? You want to do something but then you do not feel like to? For an example, when the e-mail about scholarship came up I was excited because I am eligible at least half of the scholarships offer. Then I grow lazy because I have to write a page of shit describing why I deserve the scholarship and stuff like that. Then on the very last minute, I decided to apply it and realised that I no longer eligible because I am short of one subject. FUCK.

BUT I still have hope with the Boeing scholarship for contamination asbestos. I think my chances of getting it is as slim as 2%. Considering my ability and my contribution is so little and my results are not very outstanding either. I might be eligible to apply but it is not outstanding enough.

Maybe I should write my letter of qualification in perfection. Even if my CGPA does not look attractive but my letter would stand a chance to stand out.

Oh well, this week is going to suck.

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